Monday, June 14, 2010

Too little sleep is sometimes okay

Okay, so it's Monday and it's dark and rainy and I'm so exhausted I can barely function, but I'm not feeling sorry for myself. Don't most people feel like this at times? The key is to remember that if you had fun and enjoyed yourself, being tired is totally worth it!

Yesterday was a great day. I spent the day working my table at the Printer's Row Lit Fest. How much fun was that?! I sat there with my good friend, Kathy, a fitness instructor who happens to be an amazing salesperson. She was actually calling out to people, getting them over to the table to check out my book. We ended up selling lots of books, and meeting the sweetest, cutest women!

It's funny because they were all different ages, anywhere from 15-70 somethings, but they all had a commonality; they loved talking about love and relationships. So, we talked. And talked and talked and talked. And it was fun to hear all their stories about guys who didn't want to commit, and guys they didn't want to commit to, and ex-husbands, and ex-boyfriends, and current boyfriends and soul mates. Will I ever get sick of talking about this kind of stuff? I don't think so.

So, after leaving Printer's Row in the pouring rain, I ran home to flat iron my frizzy hair and quickly get ready for a Bar Mitzvah party I had to go to with my boyfriend. As tired as I was, and as much as I was thinking I'd rather lay on my couch, watch Sex and the City re-runs and eat popcorn, I have to say, I had THE BEST time! So, I guess what I'm trying to say it, if you push yourself a little and work through the tiredness, everything usually works out pretty good.

Several years ago I was on a ski trip in Vail with three girls. It was pretty late and I was exhausted and wanted to go back to the hotel and go to bed. "You have your whole life to sleep!" said my friend, Linda. I thought about it and then realized she was right. That night, we ended up partying till about 3 in the morning, and to this day, she and I still talk about how much fun we had that night. Fight through it girls! Live your life!!

Can I go take a nap now? Uh...I don't think so.

1 comment:

Sa Toya said...

YAY!! Great post. Glad you're having fun despite the tiredness.

I just got a job, first day tomorrow and am currently writing a book and taking care of my own blog and want to have fun otherwise too.

SO I spent all day today worrying about how tired I'l be and how much my manuscript will suffer because it will now take twice as long to finish.

After reading this I think I CAN push myself and work, write, blog and have fun!


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